
2024年5月6日—LINESeedisageometrictypefacewithsomeGothicinfluencesandanemphasisonsimplicity.It'sdesignedtolookfamiliartoeveryoneina ...,LINESeedSansisLINE'sexclusivetypeface,itcontainsLINE'sbrandidentitywhichisuniversalandfriendly,withabitofwit.,2024年4月17日—LINESeedisageometrictypefacewithsomeGothicinfluencesandanemphasisonsimplicity.It'sdesignedtolookfamiliartoeveryoneinavarietyofplaces.,Dow...

LINE Seed Font Family - Download Free Font

2024年5月6日 — LINE Seed is a geometric typeface with some Gothic influences and an emphasis on simplicity. It's designed to look familiar to everyone in a ...

LINE Seed font

LINE Seed Sans is LINE's exclusive typeface, it contains LINE's brand identity which is universal and friendly, with a bit of wit.

LINE Seed Typeface

2024年4月17日 — LINE Seed is a geometric typeface with some Gothic influences and an emphasis on simplicity. It's designed to look familiar to everyone in a variety of places.

Line Seed Font Download

Download free line seed font, view its character map and generate text-based images or logos with line seed font online.

LINE 免費企業字型LINE Seed 下載,四種語言兼具平衡和易 ...

2022年11月2日 — 值得一試的三個理由: · LINE Seed 是LINE 企業字型,收錄四種語言:英文、日文、韓文和泰文 · 日文字型收錄9,354 個字元,其中有數千個漢字可做為中文字型 ...


Seed, a word containing the meaning of growth, is LINE's first custom typeface. The geometry-based LINE Seed is unique yet universal.


LINE Seed is a Geometric typeface with some Gothic influences and an emphasis on simplicity. It's designed to look familiar to everyone in a variety of places.

폰트 다운로드

LINE Seed는 단순함에 중점을 둔 고딕 서체로, 다양한 장소에서 누구나 친숙하게 사용할 수 있도록 디자인했습니다. LINE 로고의 직선적 형태를 유지하되 곡선도 선명하게 ...

LINE 釋出LINE Seed 系列免費開源字體,商業用途也沒問題

2022年11月1日 — ... LINE 釋出LINE Seed 系列免費開源字體,商業用途也沒問題-. 下載方式也很簡單,滑到頁面最下方後,就能看到Download LINE Seed JP/KR/TH/EN 的下載按鈕 ...